Thursday, 15 April 2021

Walking into the Trail of Future: Shichida Method of Education

In the words of Malcom X, education is the conduit to the future, especially for people who take the efforts to prepare for it today itself.

The question now is: who are these people of today that would make tomorrow a better place? Yes! They are the children. Those pure souls require education to shape their personalities and need it for modeling an instrumental future of the country. Thereby choosing the right form of training becomes a crucial step here. It is so important that it parallelly becomes responsible for society's economic, social, and political growth. One such method that the parents and guardians can fully trust is the Shichida Method. Shichida Method of Education is the type of children's classes that consistently vitalise their brains following their developmental age.


Lets's Find out!

A Brief Overview on Shichida Method of Education

The whole story started in 1958 and has witnessed interesting development in children. It is referred to as "education of the heart" and primarily helps the children to grasp "how to live as human beings."


The first step to the method is cultivating young hearts and emotions, followed by fetching out their talent and intelligence. The structure stimulates their minds and expands their genius-like talents and unlimited abilities. They then draw their abilities on paper and project the essence of "love" and the development of "morality."

Intruding right?

Not only this, but Shichida Method is also responsible for children's proper diet that creates an excellent environment for building intelligent brains.


Well, regular food shapes the bodies and nourishes the heart and soul of the children. Shichida's Dietary Education Approach is updated with the latest nutrition research and aims for convenient modifications that enable children to adequately consume the right food. The dietary approach tends to prevent the dangerous elements that come in the way of their eating habits and nurture their health and bodies. These are the two vital steps in the Shichida method. Singapore and many other countries like Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, USA have graciously adopted it. 

How does the Shichida method bring it into Action?

Shichida Method offers a wide variety of children enrichment classes and courses. Some of which are:

Pre-Natal Course

 Pregnant? Congratulations! For the baby and for this course that promises to-be mothers a bright future for their infant. Prenatal education involves making an ideal atmosphere for the unborn child by keeping the mind of the expectant mother stress-free.

Baby Courses (From 1 to 5 Months Old)

The best part about the Shichida Method is that your baby's first experience can start just weeks after birth. Focusing on cognitive and functional stimulation, these tutorials will encourage them to develop a sense of harmony. Yes, this is true that babies sleep for most of the day and play quite less during this stage of their life. Although, this does not indicate that they do not grasp and comprehend the world. This course will encourage the children to commence with several activities that can only be carried out during this point of the stage enhances their ability to retain information at its best.

Early Children Courses (6 Months to 6 ½ Years Old)

This is true that this course is one of the most popular courses among parents, particularly with three-year-old children. This is primarily because these are the glory days of development, and in this period, the brain of the children grows the most. Children's brains are conditioned to be greatly affected by their surroundings during this growth phase. Instructors of the Shichida Method help the children direct with a curriculum that is appropriate for their present chronological children's learning and development.

 Primary Course

At the insistence and request of Shichida graduates who didn't want to stop attending the centers, this course was built.

Using a healthy, whole-brain strategy helps the children improve the creativity, vision, and expressiveness. This curriculum establishes self-study patterns and preserves the desire to learn, which is strongly attributable to school education.

Special Need Courses

This course has to be the happiest classes you've ever seen. A specific lesson targets an individual's needs and aims to improve his or her talents at a suitable level and speed.

Senior Course

In your golden years, staying mentally engaged and active is required. There's a growing market for this type of course in aging countries.

Seniors will begin to recover abilities they felt were lost through different mental and physical stimulation. The course would then help them to experience a moment of happiness, success, and accomplishment. This is the aim of the Shichida Method. Singapore and Japan have the highest demand for this course.

In the Nutshell

These are just not courses or methods of learning, but these are a way of living. A path that can righten not only children's future but also the country's economy.


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